What are "test fits" and do I need one?


Q: How much can I build on this lot?

Test fits examine zoning and building code regulations in order to determine the height, bulk and FAR (floor area ratio) that a development can achieve and stay in compliance, often referred to as "as-of-right". Test fits can be a great way to make projections for proformas without fully committing to a property. The purpose of a test fit is to make high level decisions about the feasibility of the project before a full design team is engaged.  We can study new developments on empty lots, existing buildings and additions, or even interior spaces within existing buildings.



Q: How much do test fits cost?

We typically perform these services at an hourly rate because there isn't necessarily a finite stopping point. Test fits can be as detailed or scrutinized as the developer needs it to be to feel comfortable making a decision.  Eventually, they can even approach the level of detail in a full service schematic design phase, but at some point it makes sense to begin to assemble the design team and get rolling with a fully considered design.



Q: How do test fits differ from design?

Test fits are meant to be quick studies, or "tests-of-what-fits".  Many assumptions are made in the name of speed, though the designer's experience shows through in the quality of those assumptions.  Good test fit studies not only provide a high level idea of what might be developed, but gives the design team a great list of questions to use when putting the design team together and getting started on full design services should the project take off.



Q: Why are test fits beneficial for historic properties?

Historic properties have an extra layer of complexity. Sometimes that means extra regulations or easements on the property, and it always means heightened scrutiny from city governments and citizens. Historic districts often do not place rigid "as-of-right" requirements on proposed projects; the restrictions are more subjective and qualitative in nature, which is to say "fuzzy". That's where an experienced design team can help make decisions about the viability of projects before investments or commitments are made.


Scroll through some of our past test fits below: