Posts tagged architects
Our Design Director's Top Space Planning Strategies

The initial step to most projects is to come up with a strategy to organize all the different spaces and determine what kinds of spaces are needed, what they should and should not be next to, and how those spaces will fit in to our overall goals.

Straight from our Design Director, here are three of our top Space Planning Strategies we can utilize when starting a new project.

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Our Process: Creating Better Visualization For Clients

Though our photorealistic renderings are a visualization tool they are often not seen by our clients until we are almost finished with the documentation portion of our work.

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Schematic Design Strategies for Historic Properties

In New Orleans, we have over 20 nationally-registered historic districts and 19 local historic districts. Any effort developing concepts in the planning phase needs to address the historic context of the neighborhood. The façade of the home does not only belong to the owner but it belongs to the city, to the neighborhood, and to the lovers of historic architecture who come from all over the world to New Orleans.

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What's the Big Deal with the Bid Phase?

The bidding phase, also know as the procurement phase, is sometimes forgotten as one of the most important phases in your project process. While the drawings will illustrate the scope of work. The bidding phase will help establish terms and conditions for the scope of work. This phase is necessary to help mitigate head butting down the road when conflict arises. 

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